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Old 04-24-2007, 01:12 AM
BionicComma BionicComma is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 356
Default Day Trading for Beginners - any tips for getting started?

I just had a very good night at the tournament table and now that I'm ITM, so to speak, I would like to parlay my funds into something other than a poker bankroll. I have been considering day trading as well as real estate for quite a while, but as I lack the financial resources to confidently get involved with the loans I'd need to start buying property, the stock market is looking like a good option. If that kid from the apprentice who's around my age can do it at 18, surely I can do it now.

Does anyone have some good advice on how to get started? Are there any books on the topic that are helpful / trustworthy / recommended?

I have tried searching the internet for info but looking for good tips on getting into stock trading is like using Google to look for advice on weight loss: lots of people ad-farming for lots of other people trying to sell you snake oil.

Any tips pointing me the right way would be appreciated.
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