Thread: The Gift 2007
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:31 PM
Kibby Kibby is offline
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Default The Gift 2007

As you may have read, I'm going to start a project to make a 2007 version of 'The Gift'. I have a bunch of great players who have expressed interest in participating. At Indy's suggestion, I'm going to include both professionals and amateurs. I might even go so far to make 2 versions if there are enough commentators who want to participate.

That being said, I wanted to start out by thanking those that have expressed interest in helping out. My hope is that this might get a few others with the top talent today to step forward.

The Talent:

The 'Special' Recruiter:

Damn, this is going to be sweet.

As a side note, I'm considering different formats for the display which I'm going to have to learn some new apps for. Also, there's a lot going on in my life right now so this won't be done quickly but I'll keep everyone updated.

One last thing, if anyone wants to suggest commentators for me to contact, you know where to do so.
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