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Old 04-23-2007, 07:20 PM
Biggle10 Biggle10 is offline
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Default From the \"I thought I\'d heard everything\" files

I've started being a regular in my local 5/10 HORSE game. There's one regular in the game, who I used to think was pretty good but now I'm re-evaluating. After just about EVERY hand, he has to let everyone know what he had and why he played it they way he did. Seat 1 comments that nobody cares. Later on, seat 1 and Mr. talker get into a hand with Seat 1 having top pair and Mr. talker having a combo draw on the turn. River is a blank and Seat 1 takes the pot. Mr. talker bemoans the fact that he mised his 13 outs and comments to Seat 1 that he had more outs than he did.

Seat 1: 'Outs? What are you talking about? I had top pair.'
Mr. talker: 'Well, I had 13 outs on the turn. You only had 5.'
Seat 1: 'You're an idiot'

At this point Mr. talker takes a little offense to the comment, but the dealer keeps it from getting ugly and we move on. Seat 1 decides to move to another game shortly there after. Here I thought this was just a BBV joke, but apparently some people actually think this way.
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