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Old 04-23-2007, 07:07 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Start a war on everything! All prices will drop

Why is it that every other commodity on the face of the earth (pretty much) has quadrupled in price over the past 25 years but heroin and cocaine (which have been selectivly targeted for elimination by the government whereby a trillion of dollars have been spent 'fighting them') price has either remained constant or reduced?

Substitue drugs for any other commodity (say haynes underwear). Now the government sets out to go to war on haynes underwear. They quadruple law enforcement and spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting haynes underwear. Thousands die from gunfights over the rights to control the distribution of haynes underwear. Cops are shot and murdered. Innocent citizens are caught int the crossfire. Hundreds of thousands are paraded through our courts for possession of haynes underwear. Jails are filled with haynes uderwear dealers and users. We do a tally and find out that significanlty more haynes uderwear are being imported into the country each year. We look around and the price of automobiles has trippled. House prices have trippled. Clothing, food, college, etc. All cost significantly more than they did 25 years ago and no one is fighting to get rid of them. No cops are raiding car dealerships and car manufactuer plants. No grocery stores or farms are raided with their food products conficated. And yet those goods have risen in price significantly. While a powerful government has spent a trillion dollars 'fighthing' haynes underwear and it is cheaper 25 years later?

But the haynes underwear, which is one single product out of thousands that there is a 'war' against is more widely available now at the same price as they were 25 years ago. LMAO

When in the hell are they gonna start a war on pizza (my favorite food)? I will be able to buy them for pennies in a couple decades lol
Call the president and tell him to start a 'war on vacations' I want to visit hawaii in a few years!

Car dealers have not been murdering each other or shooting at cops. Nor have college administrators or teachers. Not grocery store owners either. But cocaine dealers they have and yet the product flourishes at a cheaper price than ever.

Money and lives and familes down the toilet and nothing changes. One haynes underwear dealer arrested and two more are shooting it out in the streets to take his place. Send in more cops to arrest them, risking their lives in the proces. Spend 50K annualy to lock each one of them up. Rince and repeat a hundred thousand times. Haynes underwear is still widely available at a cheaper price.

Legalize drugs and guess what? Prices drastically drop. Every clown dope dealer is out of business overnight. Pharmacists take over. People buy products of a consistent potentcy without adulterants. They don't rob and steal to pay for them because they are leagal and affordable. They get accurate and professional safety information.

Crime and violence drops dramatically.
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