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Old 04-23-2007, 02:32 PM
PokerFox PokerFox is offline
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Default The 3 progressions: breaking 100, breaking 90, breaking 80

First, a background on me:

I've yet to break 90 and my swing is all over the place. I am left-handed and consistently slice the ball way, way, way, left. I think my club-face is extremely open at impact due to my swing plane, which is very very outside in, and for the life of me I cannot get it inside out.

Anyways, there are generally 3 plateaus which I listed, all which come with their own set of skills and mindset. What do you think it takes to achieve each plateau?

Breaking 100: Being able to 1 chip and 2 putt consistently, and being able to strike your irons consistently.

Breaking 90: Being able to put the ball in the fairway off the tee, and being able to hit your long irons well. Being able to hit a decent draw/fade when the situation requires it.

Breaking 80: No penalty strokes. 250+ yard drives (straight) on all long holes. Being able to 1 chip and 1 putt in almost all situations. Hitting a good percentage of GIR.

What do you guys think?
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