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Old 04-23-2007, 04:49 AM
Taso Taso is offline
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Default Re: is this wrong ...

I'm sorry, "he checked" and you "Grabbed a bunch of chips" what does that mean? Did you take a stack of your chips and put them into the pot, in what is commonly referred to as a "bet" or did you just pick them up and he folded without seeing what you were gonna do? Or did you take chips from the pot as in 'I won'

If it was the last one, then yeah, that's wrong. If it was the first two, then I don't see a problem with it. He showed you his hand trying to get a reaction from you, he got a reaction and read it wrong. I guess he put you on AK...Not sure how much you bet but it's a weird lay down on his part. lol, weird call on the turn too. Weird bet on the turn. ... Ya'll are just weird in general.
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