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Old 04-22-2007, 11:37 PM
Enrique Enrique is offline
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Default Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers

Sorry about the spoilers.
I am watching Angel season 1 and Buffy season 4 now.
I didn't like the first two episodes of Buffy. I don't really like Buffy/ Angel splitting up, I think it was mostly done to have an extra show and not really because the characters needed it.

The third episode in season 4 was pretty good, probably due to Spike being in it.
Angel has been good but not great so far. Although episode 3 was pretty good (probably due to Spike too).

My problem with Angel is that the sunlight things don't seem to make sense. Sometimes he stands next to windows in daylight and nothing happens, also, there's a fight in the beach where light is everywhere, yet he survives fighting. I have a big problem with it, the claim is that to be hurt the sunlight needs to be direct, yet when they are torturing him, they put bullets through a roof to get sunlight in, that sunlight is certainly less direct than the one in the beach, why is the one in the beach safe?
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