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Old 04-22-2007, 11:18 PM
JuntMonkey JuntMonkey is offline
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Default Re: Buffy Season Two - maybe spoilers

I'm now about 3/4th through season 5. Season 3 was again unbelievably great, and it's close between 3 and 2 for overall best. I liked 4 a lot even though the season villain was very weak - Spike made me laugh out loud (while watching alone) enough times to help carry it.

Now I haven't seen an episode in about a month and have lost a lot of interest. There's been a noticeable and precipitous drop in quality in season 5. Luckily it seems that the Buffyverse ends on a high note, as Angel seasons 3-5 are supposed to be incredible. I am on Angel season 2 (watching in tandem with Buffy season 5 for the occasional cross-over).

IMO a large part of season 5's quality drop is (spoiler) <font color="white">the fact that Spike is in love with Buffy and has lost almost all of his edge and humor in the process. Note: Please don't say anything else about their budding romance without giving a spoiler warning, as I'm not finished with the season yet. </font>

As for spoilers in general, please mark it if you're saying anything major past season 2, as that's already in the thread title. Several of the recent posts had pretty large spoilers in them for subsequent seasons.
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