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Old 04-22-2007, 10:21 PM
lgas lgas is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 568
Default Re: Does where you live matter to you?

I have entertained fantasies of moving to someplace like Costa Rica or Thailand (esp. after reading Degen's thread) for a while now. Basically someplace that is nice, but where the cost of living is super low. Some days it seems ludicrous (mostly because all of my friends, family, my business, etc. are all here) but other days it seems ludicrous not to do it.

My primary income is from computer consulting work and I think I could get that spun up from abroad pretty easily. Sure, I would have to pass up some jobs, but I could definitely make plenty of money working entirely remotely. If I was in Thailand or someplace in a radically different timezone, then I would need to be on a weird schedule relative to my local timezone, but that's pretty easily managed.

I did some quick back of the envelope calculations and if I had made this move 3 years ago, I probably would've saved about $150k or so to do whatever I wanted with. I probably would've invested most of it, and made even more money, which would be worth even more if I was living someplace like this.

In regards to your original question, I guess the answer is that it definitely does matter to me where I live. This is evidenced both by the fact that I have spent a lot of time thinking about moving and by the fact that despite the fact that it could improve the quality of my life significantly, I haven't done it yet.

This post is just making me realize even more that I should devote some more serious thought to this subject.
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