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Old 04-22-2007, 04:08 PM
clowntable clowntable is offline
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Default Re: France\'s Election is Today

Regarding working in foraign countries: I have done just that so I cannot give a good answer I guess.
What you pointed out is absolutely valid however. The point about structural inflexibility is a great one.
Personally I belive this to be the main reason:
If you do not choose to attend Univerity in Germany, your usual career choice is some sort of specialized work training programm which consists of roughly 50% school, 50% on the job training. You will attend an electrician's school for example. This is a highly specialized education, however it takes 3-4 years, just like University. If you don't find a job, you're screwed because your options are retraining or a lesser job (McDonalds etc.)
I much prefer a direct on the job training and more of a "hire and fire" mentality.
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