Thread: Dealer Screw up
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Old 04-22-2007, 03:36 PM
DNutini DNutini is offline
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Default Re: Dealer Screw up

BTW, you are making a serious error thinking that just because the cards were folded no Aces or Kings were folded. You were second to act. People could have folded all kinds of hands behind you including A2-AQ and K2-KQ.

IMO, I would have suggested that they reshuffle the remaining deck and been happy to call.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I am not donkish enough to think that all players must play all aces and kings at anytime.....that is obviously ridiculous. I was just making the assumption that on the whole, the majority of the mucked cards have a better chance of not helping my unmade hand than the cards that have not been mucked.....granted, this is information based on an assumption, and really doesnt carry much weight, but it was something that went into my decision.....slightly. But after you break it down, I do see your point on the potential equity of both hands.
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