Thread: Dealer Screw up
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Old 04-22-2007, 10:54 AM
DNutini DNutini is offline
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Default Dealer Screw up

Hey guys......I usually just lurk and let you all do the talking, but I wanted some opinions on a situation that happened last night that I literally have never seen before.

This is NOT at a casino, but at a local club near my home. MTT in which the final table just came together......I have one of the top 2-3 chip counts at the table when I look down at AKs in 2nd position. I am sitting with about 8000 chips with blinds of 100-200. I open raise to 800, and the player to my immediate left goes all-in for roughly 4000. It folds back around to me, and I have a decision to make whether I want to race (so I believe) for half of my chip stack. I am looking down thinking when I hear a little commotion amongst the players......when I learn that the all-time dealer (he was also playing in the tournament) had taken all of the 16 mucked cards and put them on top of the live deck.......he claims he did not shuffle or anything, but I didnt see anything, so I am hesitant to believe anything. The older gentleman next to the dealer takes the cards and starts trying to find his 2 cards, and says only one is there......but he is rather goofy and may just not remember his cards....who knows. But the point is, is that I go ahead and fold (which I probably would have done 75% of the time anyways even without the debacle). It helped my decision to know that if a pile of cards containing folded cards (that are not as likely to be aces or kings) are possibly being percentages really fall drastically.

The guys who runs the club comes over.....who is also pretty loopy and doesnt know a ruling,and since I already folded.....kinda just forgets about it.....which is fine since I just wanted to move the game along. But what could have or should have been done here? It was suggested that the entire deck (folded and undealt cards) be shuffled and flopped, etc.....but I wasnt having that at all.

I know this game sounds like a cluster-F---, but it is actually not a bad game....just one that the dealer made a bonehead mistake.

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