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Old 04-21-2007, 11:40 PM
BraveJayhawk BraveJayhawk is offline
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Default Re: Beat: Pocket Fives Home Page Articles (poker articles in general)

I see your point.

However, here is a hypothetical.

When I was living in Kansas, I was part of a very successful group of poker players. I remember many times when one of the members would comment on an Internet player, whom was assumed to be very successful, not playing anymore.

I always offered the same answer: They may have switched sites or playing under a different alias. We were playing exclusively cash games at the time. It was never far-fetched, because I often switched sites or played under a new account with a higher rakeback offer.

Basically, it is difficult to know how one is doing, because it is very easy to slip under the radar.

As for myself, I am going back to school even though I have been quite sucessful in the past couple years. I dominated Party, but have struggled in the post-Party era. Even though I play much smaller than I used to, does not mean I am broke.

I have found it much better to keep an open mind and worry more about yourself than another player. You just don't know in the online poker world. A lot of rumors are flying around. No need to get caught up in them or be more concerned about them than yourself.

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