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Old 04-21-2007, 07:53 PM
jzpiano jzpiano is offline
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Default Re: Should I sell this position?

I'm going to graduate school next fall and it will cost about 20k to finish my masters. Currently I could sell the rest of this stock and have school paid for. Or I was thinking that I could take out bank loans (can I do that?) and keep my position until I have to start paying back the loans ~2 years.

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Spoken like someone who's never seen the stock market go down.

Do not take out loans and assume you will be able to use investment $$ to pay them off when they come down. Bad, bad idea. If you are insistent, at least sell and dump the $$ in an S&P Index Fund or something a little more stable. Even then, though..not completely safe if you're banking on using that money to pay off loans, but it's safer then leaving it all in one stock.

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Yeah, I'm young and naive sometimes...I think I'm going to take your guys advice and sell it off. I'll only take the loans if I can get them at less a 5% interest rate. I'll probably throw the $ into a savings account till I need it, unless I know for sure I won't need it for the 2 years then I like the idea of the S&P Index Fund or a CD.
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