Thread: New to 2+2
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Old 04-21-2007, 06:36 PM
fretelöo fretelöo is offline
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Default Re: New to 2+2

I know the FAQ but honestly i dont remember much info about these hands, i just want anyone to point out mistakes if they see them...


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obv you missed some crucial parts:

"Before posting, you are strongly encouraged to fully explore the search function. If you have a general question, it likely has been asked and answered already. The majority of posts in this forum are hand posts, where the poster had questions about their play in a specific hand.

By lurking for a bit, you'll quickly observe the common structure of a hand post. A quick summary is to:

* be readable: Make use of a hand converter (external link, be sure to choose 2+2 output format) when possible. If you're having trouble getting a converter to work, that is not an excuse to post a raw hand history. Instead, type out something by hand that resembles a converted hand, even if you don't get all the colors and such the same. Always preview your posts to make sure they look as they should before hitting the final "post" button. It is also recommended that you post only 1 hand per topic.

* provide context: Recreate the hand by providing all relevant information (reads, pot size, action, your thoughts, etc) you had at the time. Often this means you should stop the action at your decision point. Since you did not know what would happen after your decision, neither should anyone else.

* be unbiased: If you ask "When should I have folded this hand?", you'll probably get biased responses since you have revealed that you probably lost the hand. The results generally do not matter and should not be provided in the first post. If you played the hand correctly, the results will eventually take care of themselves. Provide the results when the hand's discussion has reached its conclusion to provide closure for those who helped you out."
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