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Old 04-21-2007, 02:18 PM
BPA234 BPA234 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sarasota, FL
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Default Re: How did you do it? Financial Success Thread

Good posts guys. I especially liked the post about adjusting to the wealth and the point about dealing with people who work on commission is one i am learning the hard way.

I also learned that I was born in the wrong decade because if I was born a decade earlier, I would be chilling with the dotcom boom, the real estate boom, the poker boom, the web2.0 boom, and the foreclosure boom. The only thing that I have going for me is the SlowHabit boom. Hopefully, you'll be hearing from my friends [and virtual buddies] how they managed to miss out on that.

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One thing I would like to add is that there is always another boom. Yes, most of us (young guys) missed out on dotcom boom. I missed out on RE boom as well because I didn't have the money or more importantly the time to make a big splash.

I hear people say things all the time like "I wish I had been playing online poker when the boom started." Or "I wish I had been trading when it was much easier 15 years ago." I generally find that people who say things like this are not the type of people who WOULD have been "in" on the booms at the beginning. It's true, it's always (relatively) easy to make absurd amounts of cash at the beginning of a boom time. It is NOT easy to identify what the boom will be and develop the system to profit from it because at the beginning no one else has ever done it.

What I have learned from this concept is you need to be thinking to the next boom. If you, as an average American (or whatever), are aware that a boom is happening, it is 99% of the time too late to do much about it.

Challenge yourself to think "what's next?" If you can predict with even a remote degree of accuracy what the next big thing will be, you will make far more money than the guy who waits to learn about some "system" from someone who has already done it and then complains his whole life about how it just isn't as easy as people say. Well, yeah, it isn't anymore, because everyone else knows about it now.

I don't know, just a little rant/something i've been thinking about lately.

Please keep these coming, I am really enjoying this stuff.

El D, you're up!


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All really good points. Also, remember that for every boom there is a bust that can have opportunities that are equal or greater than the boom that came first.

For example, I moved to FL a few years ago and the housing boom was going full tilt. I remember wishing I had some cash to take advantage of the bust that I knew would soon be arriving.

Right now, we are full bust mode and there are sick deals down here.
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