Thread: Taxes Blah
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Old 04-21-2007, 01:03 PM
ilikeaces86_ ilikeaces86_ is offline
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Default Taxes Blah

In 2006 my taxable income was reaching new heights from poker (BRAG). Now to the taxes part. I payed about 28% in federal taxes on my earnings plus FICA which is about 15.3% . On top of that I had to pay about 7% in state taxes (MN) and I also pay 6.5% sales tax on non-groceries non-clothes purchases. Plus I pay random fees for licenses, tabs, and other random crap. Basically when you work it all out I payed somewhere around 1/2 my income to government taxes or fees. Does that sound ridiculous to anyone else? I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't think my money was basically going to be pissed away by the federal government. I don't mind them spending my money on defense or useful programs but the amount of money they flush down the toilet every year is really amazing. I can't help but think they would be better of letting the citizens keep more of their $ ala lower taxes and letting us distribute it into the economy via spending and investing. Seems the economy would be even stronger if people had more $ to invest and spend(obv). Sorry for the rant but just wanted to see what others opinions are on current tax rates and the out of control federal budget.
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