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Old 04-19-2007, 03:58 PM
HensonLosesLots HensonLosesLots is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 288
Default Re: FTP vs STARS - My view of Both after 3 yrs +

You guys prove how much of a gambling degenerate you really are. I make a post whole-heartedly trying to create a non-flame thread. I'm not trying to PROVE OR MAKE AN ARGUMENT FOR ANYTHING AS IT WOULD BE FOOLISH WITH NO STATS, IT'S A MERE OPINION FOR THOSE WHO SEEK IT. Making several notes that it's just a personal view and that I do not have stats to back it up. But I have over 3 years of experience of those two sites playing online (isn't that enough to form an opinion???). And even more playing live. I just don't understand how you degenerates can take a completely innocent thread and turn it into a flamefest. My congrats on doing so, it takes a true degenerate to do so. I hope I run into you guys in one of my cash games.
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