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Old 04-19-2007, 01:07 PM
Nez477 Nez477 is offline
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Default Re: NBA Playoffs Thread

For the record, I think the Jazz are going to get pummeled by the Rockets. The Jazz are limping (and that's kind) into the playoffs, every player is playing poor basketball other than Memo, Derek Fisher is the worst guard in the western conference playoffs and is bringing the team down, the attitude in Utah is pretty dismal, and in general I think the Rockets are a much more solid team.

I'm one of the biggest Nuggets fans in the world, and if we happened to take them to 7 games I'd pop the champagne.

We have been a very good team as of late. We're 8-0 in games that actually mean something over the past 3 weeks. Melo and AI are playing very well together. Linas Kleiza is burying the 3-ball, Nene is shooting 65% since March, Camby had 27 blocks in 3 games in April... things have been really good in the Denver front.

BUT: I think we're playing the best team in the NBA. The Spurs have the best record (or at least did as of this past weeked) in the NBA since the all-star break. They are the most scary, solid basketball team in the NBA right now. What weakness do they have? PG defence isn't 100% fantastic, so maybe AI will be effective, but overall they create so many matchup problems for us.

I think the Nugs will win one of the first two games again, but struggle as Popovich outcaoches Karl in the 4 following games. Pop adjusts so much better than Karl does.

There's the two series I feel strongest about.
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