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Old 04-18-2007, 08:39 PM
majesty2009 majesty2009 is offline
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Default Re: Free Dating Site

The logo is just a placeholder tell my lazy graphics design friend makes me a logo. Should be soon. Im not sure what other links should be in the prime spot exept maybe the register link. If you dont sign up there wont be much to do.

Ignore the inkspot, that will be removed and replaced with a forum.

"The white bar 3/4 down the home page looks strange and draws way too much attention to a completely nonfunctional section." Are you reffering to the search bar that is used for searching for people?

Lastly Im not sure that anyone needs to be redirected to the login page after they login. Why do they need to go back there?

Thank you for your time and I appreciate your comments. I will be printing out this whole friend for future refferance once I sit down with the programmer I want to have lots of ideas ready.
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