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Old 04-18-2007, 06:35 PM
Slim Pickens Slim Pickens is offline
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Default Re: OT: live sng thoughts(kind of stupid )

I'm convinced there's nothing you can do about people hating you for playing correctly. I'm generally fairly likable in person (at least not highly visible as a jerk) but after two or three pots going limp, limp, limp, limp, complete, I shove from the BB, people hate me. At that point it won't matter because if everything has gone according to plan, I have half the chips in play. If you talk, someone gets mad for distracting them. If you keep quiet, someone thinks you're creepy. If you shove and show a big hand, someone thinks you're showing them up. If you fold without showing, someone else thinks you've bluffed them. There's no way to win that battle. Just be a jerk and pwn.
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