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Old 04-18-2007, 06:09 PM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: Making Learning Fun!

Bring it up and highlight it, hmmm.

"Correlations are essentially relationships.

It's been shown that CEO's, for whatever reason, tend to be tall. The average CEO in the USA is over 6 feet tall, IIRC.
In fact, there's a significant relationship between height and salary in the USA today. Tall people tend to make more money than shorter people.

There's a positive correlation between income and height.

Having picked up on this tendancy, this weird occurance, we can now guess - "why do tall people make more money?"
You know, you need to observe something before you can guess how it works. Correlations are a simple observation.

In this example, I think it was shown that humans naturally are attracted to, on some degree, tall people. Tall people garner a certain natural respect from others. That helps the giants progress faster in the business world than your average shorty, hence the higher salary."

I'd do something succinct and basic like that. *shrug*

Does it need to be an any-more-detailed definition than that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Appreciate all the posts, everyone.

Not sure if this is a troll account or not, though. Awesome either way.
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