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Old 04-18-2007, 05:38 PM
majesty2009 majesty2009 is offline
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Default Re: I need to make some money!

5 person SNGs. I dont know if you can find them anymore. I used to play them on Paradise and that was the easiest money I have ever seen. I was down and out and I turned my final $20 into $1,500 in 4 days. I consistently made big money playin them, but a few of my bad habits ate away at the profits.

Most people say you have to be super aggressive in such a game, but I think if you tighten up a bit and pick your spots you realy can dominate these games. $1,000-$10,000 should not be a problem if you got some skill and can find the games somewhere.

Start out at the lower level, "$20-$50" tell you get a good feel for it. I used to have a great short handed strategy guide, but I took it down.