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Old 04-18-2007, 02:25 PM
Hopey Hopey is offline
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Default Re: Brodeur looks human

the fact that you listen to don cherry at all disappoints me.

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I usually turn the channel when "Coach's Corner" comes on. I really can't stand the guy. However, I have heard the "Europeans don't care about the Stanley Cup playoffs" statement attributed to him enough times that I knew I'd be accused of parroting him when I made a similar comment.

However, unlike Don Cherry, I have taken great pains to point out that I'm not painting all European players with the same brush. For instance, Alfredsson is busting his ass every night for Ottawa, and Jagr and Nylander are lighting it up in New York. However, there is a definite subset of European superstars who seem to disappear every single playoff series. They have multi-year long-term contracts, so "raising their value" doesn't really factor into their motivation level.

It's guys like Yashin, Hossa, and Kovalchuk who get my goat. They're just going through the motions, waiting for their series to be over so they can join their Russian national team in time for the World Championships. Thankfully the Sens no longer have guys like this on their roster.
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