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Old 04-18-2007, 06:04 AM
AB_illusive AB_illusive is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 130
Default Re: My own thoughts

Thx a lot for all the answers!

It seems like there's a slight overweight of people wanting to call, but in general, there's disagreement about it. Here goes what I thought - thoughts on my mindset are most welcomed.

Raising flop is for me not an option. Given the fact that he 2nd-barrels me constantly, I much prefer the passive line (or, on the other hand, bet-call (maybe fold) turn if he check-raises me). I'm more inclined to raising the turn, as multiple draws are now in play. What do you say about that?

As the hand went out, I pushed river based on the following thoughts:
Given the dynamics, I don't see him 2nd barrelling turn a lot with especially draws. As he has observed, he is not folding out a lot of made hands (I'm a station allright :-)..), which means barrelling the turn only folds out air (which of course, are in my range). I would rather expect a CR og CC, if you should have turn a draw, unless it's most marginal like 89 or so.
Furthermore, he might be valuebetting me quite thin on the river (as low as KJ or so), mostly because he might think that I think he expanded his 2nd barrelling to a 3rd one and get quite slim calls.
As for his calling range, I think he's getting away from AJ or lower, but I don't ever see him folding any Q (even QT), KK or AA, or worse two pair. Maybe he'll puke a bit while calling, but he responds to good potodds as finding a 10% chance I'm bluffing or valueraising worse, and call.

However, there are some issues. I think his range is at least 25% air at this point. Furthermore, I'm in doubt whether he'll valuebet me this big on the river with the range of marginal holdings. I still believe he'll call a push w/ those hands, but the betsizing on the river just seems to narrow down his range for some reason.

He didn't have a tough call though, as I shoved into nuts: Ad9d.

Thx for all the responses so far. I really hope, some of you guys (KRANTZ and cts esp.) would like to expand on the idea of raising the flop vs. MBH.

- AB
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