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Old 04-17-2007, 05:56 PM
Arnfinn Madsen Arnfinn Madsen is offline
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Default Re: Why should I care about VT?

The people demanding that people should care are completely redicilous, complete lack of perspective. There are probably people that would prefer to spend their day at VT-campus during the shooting than where they spent their day. Does all those people get your care and compassion? If you care, very good, shows you are a good person but it also likely because you relate to it in any way. To me it feels completely distant probably because I am not a student and don't live in America or know any American students). The tsunami felt very close, but probably because a colleague at work lost most of his family. None of us are able (or should for our own sanity) to be compassionate about all the tragedies happening in the world.

EDIT: To clarify, I think it is a good thing that you people feel compassion, just not expect it from others, will just make you bitter for no good reason.
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