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Old 04-17-2007, 11:33 AM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Re: Why should I care about VT?

I don't understand why I should care about VT, or change the way I run my life. It's just some lone nut, after all.

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The importance of this is not the lost lives. In terms of deaths, it is nothing. It terms of deaths, I bet more Americans died elsewhere yesterday from violent means. The importance of this is the affect it has on the national psyche, parents, students, etc. Measured in terms of emotional damage, yesterday was unbelievably devastating.

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That damage you speak of was directly caused by the news media.

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If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say it at all. The news media didn't shoot 32 people. And it would have been a violation of their job not to report on it. You know that, and as I just mentioned, you don't have to be such a prick about this situation.

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Bzzzt. Wrong. The vast majority of

"the affect it has on the national psyche, parents, students, etc. Measured in terms of emotional damage, yesterday was unbelievably devastating"

was caused directly by the news media. they spread the story which made people aware of it. they spread the fear into americans homes.

one guy killed some people and that act devistates dozens/hundreds of lives of the victims family and friends.

the media spead the fear to millions, we would not have heard about it (and therefore would not have been impacted in the ways listed) if they did not.

Simple really. This is the reason I stopped watching the news many years ago. They spread fear and negativity.
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