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Old 04-16-2007, 08:53 PM
Sean Fraley Sean Fraley is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Ohio, United States
Posts: 974
Default Re: Changes in play that lead to downswings

1) It could just be burnout. Take a night or two off per week and do something else.

2) Look at the hands where you lost or won a big pot and check your play. Did the money get in ahead?

3) Take a random 100 hand sample from the beginning of the stretch where you were winning, and the same from the start of the downswing. Look for differences in the choice of cards you play preflop, where and when you raise, calling requirements, etc. The differences may be subtle and not easily reflected in stats.

4) See if the size of your hand compared to the size of the pot you are playing with it has changed. As a winning streak progresses, do you get into larger pots with hand like TPTK (overconfident), as a losing streak progresses are you failing to build bigger pots with big hands that aren't the nuts like medium flushes, trips with a good kicker, etc (lack of confidence)? Sometimes just a small shift in the getting value/giving value ration can decimate your whole game.
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