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Old 04-16-2007, 03:42 PM
TheFaucet TheFaucet is offline
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Default Re: My Campus is getting shot up.

I think it is more important to examine the cause of these incidents rather than focus on how many were killed or the mistakes the police or faculty made in responding to the incident. It is already too late when the bullets are fired and police have to intervene- our efforts should lie in thinking about how these incidents can be prevented rather than sensationalizing the event itself. I am quoting myself below.

Not to lessen the tragedy of this incident, but these things hardly come as a surprise to me. We breed a culture of violence, intolerance and insanity and then we are surprised when these deranged people go off on rampages. The U.S. has one of the highest divorce rates among the Western countries and is well-known for it's unstable familial structures and terrible parenting. A lot of children grow up having never been disciplined by their parents, if their parents were ever around that is. We are also one of the stupidest among the industrialized countries- we consistently score among the bottom in math and science in standardized global tests. I believe that our public education system is a joke and that students are not adequately equipped with the virtue or the skills to cope with situations that arise in life. Another contributing factor is that America is a hyper-competitive society and those who fall behind are marginalized and ignored. Lastly take into consideration this country's current political climate of vigilantism coupled with lax gun laws and these school shootings are hardly surprising. After all, over 60% of the world's serial killer population is located in this country. Call me a pessimist but I believe these shootings are only going to intensify and become more prevalent over the next few years.

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