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Old 04-16-2007, 01:36 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: What would you do about Virginia Tech?

until the facts are in, I don't know what kind of meaningful discussion we can contribute but that's never stopped this forum before.

that is an unreal number of fatalities even for an assault rifle - and what, two seperate incidents over two hrs?

I PRAY it wasn't a returning Army/Marine Veteran, but to be totally blunt/frank, you don't get that kind of casuality rate from jim bob and his 9mm ruger in the glovebox - that sounds like an assault rifle and someone with some serious training/planning and about 4 banana clips - wonder what the wounded numbers are?

I'm worried it's going to be a vet with PTSD who had a breakdown - that would be about the worst possible scenario I can imagine,

but packing a Glock to Physics 101 isn't the answer.

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