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Old 04-16-2007, 11:14 AM
chucktaylor chucktaylor is offline
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Posts: 20
Default Dealer Falls Asleep In Box

Long time lurker with very few posts.

Playing this weekend at the Shoe in Tunica, which is normally one of my favorite places to play. Generally, the dealers are very good, even if some are a little too chatty for my liking.

Anyway, a new dealer sits in the box and she is unbelievably slow and clearly tired. I am stuck and generally peaved about the fact that every hand is taking forever when something I have never seen before takes place - she actually falls asleep in the box during the middle of a hand. Actually, she didn't even complete the deal; she fell asleep in between dealing to the hijack and button. Keep in the mind this is about 1:00 in the afternoon. Pretty unbelievable.

A few hands later, of course, this leads to a mistake. The 2 seat is in a hand with me (in the 8 seat) and the villain in the 9. Anyway, we get to the turn on a Q-2-2-x board, and I bet. The villian calls and the 2 seat checkraises (this is limit and means he has a 2 everytime). I fold but the villian calls. The dealer during this time has called over another dealer on break and is whispering to him (presumably telling him the story that she fell asleep in the box) and is not paying any attention to the game. During all the commotion, the 2 seat thinks that everyone has folded and tosses in his cards. The dealer pulls them in on top of the burn, but has not yet mucked them when she realizes that the villan called. The cards are clearly identifiable and the floor (correctly in my opinion) rules that he did not fold and the 2 seat gets his hand back. The river is dealt and the 2 seat (of course) had K-2.

I then had to listen to the villan complain for the next three hours about how the 2 seat had mucked his hand and the pot should have been his. I blame all of this on the dealer, who was one of the worst I have ever seen.

Anyway, pretty interesting story that I thought everyone might get a kick out of.
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