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Old 04-16-2007, 08:51 AM
luckychewy luckychewy is offline
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Default Re: ATo 109r FT dilemma

i'm bumping this because i was thinking about it, and after long deliberation i changed my mind to thinking it's a fold. yes, it may be +cEV, but i think the reasons to fold outweigh the reasons to call. shaundeeb's reason mainly, because i was running the table over and they were giving me little to no resistance. if this were not the case i would think it's a shove. i also think betgo made some good points about me being early and the others behind me, and me having 400k as opposed to 300k may not really be worth all that much to take this gamble. if anyone has anything else to add i'm willing to listen. i've been back and forth on this for a while but i think given the table dynamic it's a fold, though i can probably be convinced otherwise if someone adds something awesome to the discussion.
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