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Old 04-15-2007, 12:41 AM
Durs522 Durs522 is offline
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Default Re: Boston Area Poker Club Robbed

The guy running it was a fool for not asking to see a warrant. Even SWAT would have a warrant, they would just bust down the door before showing it to you though.

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Yeah, because when asked for a warrant the crooks with guns would have to sheepishly look at each other, than say sorry we don't have one, and slowly shuffle out, with heads hung low. Their perfect plan to rob the place with guns foiled due to lack of warrant.

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There was no warrant shown in the raid I was caught in, I think thats an incorrect argument - police can raid without a warrant if they believe there is criminal activity currently taking place.

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In the two raids I was involved in the police never showed a warrant to the owners. Hopefully situations like the one in the OP don't become a problem.

Also, a club I used to frequent was robbed numerous times, maybe 3, within a 6 month time period. Needless to say I didn't go there after the first one. Rumor around the circuit was that one of the owners was involved. He was punched in the face on one occasion which may or may not be the same one that TT referred to.

Robberies are an unfortunate part of the underground scene. By playing in these clubs you inherently assume the risk of being robbed/raided. To me this is an argument for playing in smaller home games or casinos. It isn't worth it to me to get shot or beat up just to play poker.
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