Thread: Pregnant GF
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Old 04-14-2007, 07:45 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Pregnant GF

No it's not. As I noted, some parents are a misery on their children. As a kid who was raised in a family that took in counless foster kids over the years, and as a stepkid myself, I've got tons of real life experience in seeing exactly that.

There's all the difference in the world between being a parent and being a good parent. And it matters enormously.

You can certainly be an unloving, resentful, unkind, even scary parent. Even if you live in the same house. They happen all the time. Really they do.

An option that might be just as good would be to support the kid but split the vicinity. At any rate, certainly none of us knows how things would turn out, so it isn't correct to presume we do.
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