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Old 04-14-2007, 03:59 PM
jaustin jaustin is offline
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Default All my classes on two days? All my classes in the morning?

Right now, I have what most people would consider the perfect schedule. Class from 12:30 - 3:15 m-th, unfortunately 11-1:45 on friday (most people at nyu dont have friday classes.

It's really nice to wake up whenever the hell I want, but I also feel like getting out of class at 3:15 means half of the day is already gone. So...I'm considering making my schedule next year so that I will have classes in the morning (maybe 10-1:30 or w/e) and get out with plenty of the day ahead of me.

I also might try to schedule all of my classes on only two days, so that I can get an internship or job.

thoughts? should i stick with the late classes, or suck it up, wake up early, and actually be productive?
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