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Old 04-14-2007, 03:24 PM
yenman yenman is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 186
Default Re: How do I combat light re-raises?

i recently made my move up to 400nl and noticed this kind of light 3-betting from a lot of regs. At first I just avoided them and folded to them unless i had a hand to push back. Perhaps this seems nitty but the idea of battling the regs for marginal +ev just doesnt seem justified.

then i started playing back at them and incorporated some if their style in my game. well... my game kinda went outta wack to tell you the truth. You end up playing a lot of coinflips with hands as marginal as 1010, JJ, AQetc. In a way even AK is marginal considering when you are all in prelfop you are usually 50-50 or worse.

I think the proper adjustment, atleast for me, was to play my usual tight aggressive position based poker and once in a while ( not often), tell the regular to step off me by 4-betting something like 6-2 suited.

FWIW, I think 3-betting light, especially from the blinds, is a negative equity play because it bloats a pot needlessly prelfop with marginal holdings. Ofcourse it's good to have variation ofcourse and you do not want anyone to think you only 3-bet Aces and Kings. But it's balance / frequency that's important. btw I like to 3-bet with hands like 8-9 suited and 3-3 so that its easy for me to fold postlfop if i miss and easy to fold to a 4-bet / push.

Overall, my coping strategy is t play nit poker lol.
(I run at 21 / 11)
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