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Old 04-13-2007, 08:06 PM
CallMeIshmael CallMeIshmael is offline
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Default Recommend to me some PC games


So, Ive been pretty out of the gaming loop for about 4 years or so (Ive played through maybe 5-10 during that time period), but Im about to graduate, and I feel Ill have some more free time on my hands, and have recently had an urge to get back into it.

I've always been more of a PC gamer than a console player, so lets just stick to that arena.

So, Ill list off some of my old favourites, and would appreciate any recommendations:

- Grim Fandango
- Half Life (1/2)
- Baldur's Gate 2
- Diablo (1/2)
- Sim City series
- No one lives forever series
- Monkey Island series
- Deus Ex
- Max Payne
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