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Old 04-13-2007, 01:17 PM
cmurl904 cmurl904 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 263
Default The death of 5/10 stud in AC....

I spent a few recent sessions in AC playing a lot of 5/10 at the Taj & Trop. I usually play midweek (can't play on weekends),
which hinders me. But, the floor people at both places a told me there isn't a difference in the 5/10 games on the weekend. Here's what I found...

The same people play these games multiple times a week. I usually play at the Trop which has fewer regulars than the Taj, but at both places I felt like I was intruding on someone's home game. Everyone knows everyone else's style of play, there's few surprises. I'm 33 and I was BY FAR the youngest player.
Every time I had a decent hand I got NO action, zilch. I was purposely slowplaying big hands just to get callers. There's ZERO fish playing in these games anymore. Almost all of the players have a clue how to play stud. Some may chase more than others, but no clueless/gambooler-types.
This makes for tight, boring play. I love stud, but don't have the bankroll for $10/20. I seriously have to consider taking a break from 5/10 for a while because the games have been so lousy lately.

Maybe if I get the stud urge I should just play 1/5 for fun and not take it seriously.
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