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Old 04-12-2007, 06:21 PM
majesty2009 majesty2009 is offline
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Posts: 476
Default Project Update and Challenge from Mod to MM&B

My datings site is comming along pretty good. Ive worked out most of the bugs. I still have to fix the zip code search feature. This has realy been a pain and I may have to hire someone for this. I am going to install the instant messaging software in the next few days and hopefully integrate a voice mail feature. Then comes upgrading the chat and making a new forum. There is still plenty to do.

I have done very little promoting, but I have around 300 users who are generating 15,000 page views a day. I didnt meet the april first deadline for the million doller challenge but I hope to have "EVERYTHING" pretty much done by the first on next month. Then I can just work on promoting.

My friend is going to use the knowlege I have gathered and build a gay dating site. Things should go much smoother since Ive already been threw the process. I am going to sell him 50% of my site for 50% of his. I think the gay dating site may be much easier to promote. "Guys are way easier to sign up than women" I am exited about the partnership and I hope it works out. We have always worked together with our blogs in the past and that was pretty sucessful. This should be no different.

A lot of people have expressed the opinion that making a dating site at this stage in the game is a little late. Im not sure if that is correct or not, but Im sure I will learn a lot from building and administering a site of this size. Its a little more complexed than my blogs.

Evan has challenged us a bit, I posted a quotefrom him below. For those that have not been run off lets show Evan and the rest of 2plus2 what we can do. Maybe we will get our homeland back someday. They obviously think what we talk about is silly. I know I have learned a lot and I have faith in my projects. LETS GET TO WORK!

"I don't necessarily think no one "has what it takes" to make a very popular website. You post was laughable because it was just so self-indulgent. Also, as much as you might think that people are trying to make "the next big [whatever]" most people can't stop talking about making a new blog with a new adsense trick. That's not going to be the next big anything.

I don't know that there's any way to really put a firm set of guidelines on it, but I would definitely bet that no one from this forum "hits it big" in the next year."
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