Thread: Matts Log
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:43 AM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

April 11, 2007

Breakfast: Same as always
Lunch: Ceasar salad with Grilled Chicken
Preworkout: more Chicken
Dinner: Pork Chops and potatos
Bed: glass of milk with casein protein

Workout: 10 sets 3 reps 45 second rest
1. flat rows 160lbs
2. back squats 205
3. Romanian Deadlift 135
4. Standing military Press 105

10 minute HIIT bike workout resistance between 5-8
1 minute easy, 30 seconds all out

Overall I am feeling pretty good about my workout plan. I feel like I have gone down about 1/2 a belt loop in a little over a week so I am pleased with that. I still have a ways to go, but I am starting to see results in how my pants especially are fitting.

I will be weighing myself tonight as I use my g/fs scale which is at her apartment 2 hours away from where I live. I am also starting the Hot Rox Extreme Supplement. I can give a trip report on it if anybody cares. I have heard good things about it and my freind at the supplement store said he has heard good things about it so who knows.

I am somewhat pleased with my diet. I am tryin to reduce my carb intake so I am making adjustments every week to my diet. I still need to get my protein levels up higher as I am probably at about 150 grams or so a day and that need to get up to over 200. The hardest part is just finding time to eat high protein food as I am basic doing work related stuff from 6-6 (includes bus back and forth). Can anybody suggest any protein bars that actually taste good?
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