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Old 04-11-2007, 05:40 PM
TimM TimM is offline
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Default Re: TimM\'s Starting Strength Log (Rippetoe)

BTW I was reading this :
Grease the Groove for Strength: A Strength Training and Powerlifting article from Dragon Door Publications

and it made me sort of rethink my philosophy on how to work Rippetoe. You're doing a 3x5 three times a week. I realize now it's important to NOT go to failure. You're just trying to do pretty hard work, maybe around 80% of 1RM, so that you can do your sets clean, strain those muscles, but not go to failure. Not only will failure make it impossible to do good sets in the next workout, it might actually be counter productive to building strength.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, I will check out the article...

Rippetoe says something similar, top of page 197:

"This type of training requires that all of the reps of each set be completed, since the program is based on lifting more weight each workout, not completing each workout faster."

Here he is referring to he amount of rest taken between sets, but it's clear that the goal is to complete all the reps, not to reach failure.
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