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Old 04-11-2007, 02:16 PM
Emperor Emperor is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default Re: Where have all the mid-limit limit hold\'em games gone?

I played online for almost 4 years. I was never in the same league with most of you guys as I stuck to 2/4 and 5/10 stud. I did play at 3 sites usually and while I didnt make a fortune, I averaged 300-500 a month consistantly. This was enough to cover my bike payment & ins and some nice xmas jewelry for the wife. I cashed out 2 days before the hammer fell and I am starting to miss the extra money I made. I have found myself goin to the boats more often and playing BJ and entering the hold em tournies they have. I rarely went to the boats before. It just seems like to much work to fund my poker accounts and then worry if I will be able to cash out. I did leave like 100 in each account and I go on once a week and play a 1.00 tourney just to keep activity in hopes people in power come to their senses, but in answer to your question, yes, alot of us U.S. players have basically stopped playing online in the mid range.
BTW, these forums are fantastic, and thank you to all the posters that keep me informed daily about the situation. And to those of you still playing, I'm jealous.

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I too emptied my neteller account the day that the UIGEA passed. No way was I waiting the 270 days. I'm glad I acted when I did.

I went about 6 months without depositing anywhere, then one day I decided to try my credit/debit card to see if it would work. IT DID! I then did some research and found that traffic is actually UP since the UIGEA. (minus the initial drop of course) So I am merrily getting trampled at the uNL tables, but I am learning. You should buyin somewhere with rakeback, the games are great!
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