Thread: Headphones!!!
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Old 04-10-2007, 11:15 PM
TheWorstPlayer TheWorstPlayer is offline
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Default Re: Headphones!!!

i use the ends that are made of that squishy earplug type material, if you know what i mean. maybe the seal isn't the greatest, but it seems good. i'll try again, maybe i'll try some of the different attachments also.

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push them really all the way in. like to the point that you feel a little funny. it will kinda feel like the way your ears feel when you're underwater. if you do it when you're listening to music - SOFTLY - you'll notice that it will sound like the volume has turned way up when you push them in all the way. that is how you should be listening to them. if you don't find that tight seal comfortable with one type of attachment, try another. i think most people find the yellow foam things to be the most comfortable (but they get dirty and you have to clean them occasionally or replace them - replacement packs of 20 aren't that expensive).

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