Thread: Don Imus
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:05 PM
funkytown funkytown is offline
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Default Don Imus

What do you make of this guy? Personally, I, too, am sick and tired of all the political correctness and hyprocasy from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc. Both are extortionists and certainly fuel the racial agenda, refusing to let it go. I have many black friends, but who is looking at color-they are my friends and they do not appreciate Sharpton or Jackson to continue to use them for their own poliltical and publicity agendas...these guys need to indeed look at the "racial slurs" coming from everywhere. But, then, America does have freedom of speech, even if it is offensive, right? Do we have this freedom for only one race, or all? Do we have this freedom to exploit others, as Jackson and Sharpton have done to their own race? Give it up, guys! Yes, Imus has consistently made fun of groups of people, no respector, as Mr. Roker has alluded to. Now, it is time for him to go? No, way! We live in America. Not another country where one cannot speak freely. You are stymying freedom of speech. It is not about YOU! It is about our freedoms. Free speech - however ugly it is - is a fundamental human right -- as you guys have expounded. Why the change in this situation? Don't watch Imus' show, as I don't but he has the right to say whatever he wants -- even if it is ugly. I don't see Mr. Jackson or Sharpton doing the good things that Imus does with sick kids? These guys are all about THEMSELVES -- they appear to be angry that they are black. Justleave the heck alone and your own prejudices to yourself, where they belong. But, then you have the freedom to express yourself, too, don't you? God bless America!
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