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Old 04-10-2007, 03:25 PM
SoloAJ SoloAJ is offline
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Default Re: \"My dad left us...\"


My only input here is through my own experience. My parents divorced when I was three (though it was a case of my father's infidelity). However, my mother made the conscious choice--at least, they both tell me that--to allow my father to see me every other weekend and stuff. I guess the court wanted it to be that I stay with him every other summer or something.

My mother decided to have it just be every Friday night to Sunday night that I was with him.

If the situation stays like that, and neither of you move away, then it can work splendidly. I would NEVER say that my father left me, because he didn't. If you maintain an active role in your daughter's life then there is no way that she would say that. Even if her mother tried to fill her head with those thoughts. Because you would always be there to remind her they aren't true.

That said, I can't give much input into what happens if either of you move away or something. That could be a bad thing.

The one think I am thankful for is that my parents may have hated each other most of my life (the last 5 years or so they have gotten along fine in mixed settings), but they always put me first. They did what they perceived to be best for me, and it worked great.

So HOPEFULLY your daughter's mother can get that mentality sooner than later and realize that you ARE a good father and an important figure in your daughter's life.

Hope that helps and hope even more that things work out for you and your daughter. It sounds like it would be really really selfish of the mother to do anything hurting the child's quality of life just to spite you (assuming you're the father you're indicating...and I'm sure you are).
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