Thread: Curious Dealer?
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Old 04-10-2007, 12:39 PM
bav bav is offline
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Default Re: Curious Dealer?

No, it's not ok for the dealer to look at your cards without asking. And they really aren't even supposed to ask. Well trained, well managed, professional dealers won't do this. One problem with them looking is they tend to have trouble protecting the cards from the view of other players while they do this while also keeping the deck flat and protected and doing everything else a dealer is supposed to do.

But as CC0 not-so-politely says, it's not a huge hairy deal in the grand scheme of things. If it bugs you, or especially if she's exposing the cards to other players when she looks, politely ask her to knock it off. But she'll get tired of this play-at-home game pretty quickly, I imagine.
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