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Old 04-10-2007, 12:51 AM
AmadisSB AmadisSB is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: London ON
Posts: 94
Default Re: Owning RE (What Qualifications Do I Need?)

I bought a 4 unit townhouse when I was 22. Put 60k down, mortgaged the rest (was 224k). It had positive cash flow from day 1 with minimal work needed. I spend about 3-4 hours a month taking care of it (unless I'm changing tenants, than it goes to like 6-12 hours a day for a few days).

Its a decent business. still not realizing a profit, but it takes care of itself. Ive had a few rough tenants though. Been to court too. When everything is rented, you are laughing, but when you are down 1-2 tenants, it can get rough to cover the mortgage payments and taxes (4k taxes/year~ and $1100 mortgage /month)

The downpayment was made by using my parents line of credit, which i paid back half of in a couple years than transfered the rest to my own LoC.

hope that helped

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