Thread: Sopranos 4/8???
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:07 PM
JuntMonkey JuntMonkey is offline
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Default Re: Sopranos 4/8???


Was anyone else disappointed that Tony didn't come home to find the house a total mess from AJ's party?

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Yeah, this was odd. They set it up so that it looked like something might happen and nothing did. They never went back to the house. Not sure why they had that call-home scene in there at all.

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Maybe just to show that AJ is still moving down the same path, or just to highlight his new(ish) relationship a little.

BTW was he having sex in his parents' bed? That's what seemed to be occuring, and that's totally weird.

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Yeah, wtf? I didn't get that.

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I've never done it, but I thought it was standard for anyone having a house party.
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