Thread: OK now....
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Old 04-09-2007, 03:14 PM
tuq tuq is offline
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Default Re: OK now....

Whether I know what's going on with this stuff or not it's kind of clear that they actually DO work.

They tried another one of these 'upgrades' and it sounded like the whole thing was practically exploding.

Now, if from their end it seems like they are practically holding this together with a string and some duct-tape (a MILLION uses for ducky-tape!!!) and they know it just won't be able to handle the increasing load then obviously some changes need to be made.

And they also seem pretty unsatisfied with the 'old-school' (to put it politely) look of the place.

But overall it does seem to work just fine and dandy.
yet another one of my 24k+ posts.
I type it up, click the button to post it, and it actually goes up on the little forum thingee.
Yes, it really does work!!!

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