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Old 04-07-2007, 02:16 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about growing up with a Bi-Polar parent

I had a manic/depressive roommate. It wasted his life. But all of my roommates agreed with me that he was worse on his medication than off.

On it, he slept his life away, day after day. Woke up to eat and sh*t more or less. This happened every time he started feeling up. He would drug the bejeesus out of himself and do virtually nothing but sleep for at least three days. Thing is, feeling up just meant feeling normal. We never once saw him being anything I could describe as manic. This included the long periods when he was off his medicine.

But once he decided to do what he was supposed to do, his life was essentially over. Lucky he had a rich dad, because he was unemployed.
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